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Digital Photographer's Handbook[数码摄影师手册]简介,目录书摘

  • 京东
  • 2021-03-06 22:48
  • 27
摘要:供Digital Photographer's Handbook[数码摄影师手册]简介,Digital Photographer's Handbook[数
Digital Photographer's Handbook[数码摄影师手册]
编辑推荐:    本书的目的,是帮助您从这个平台中获得最多的东西。它将带给您大量的技术信息、实用的建议,并将揭示无数的商业机密。本书是惟一一本既完整地介绍了专业的图片制作技巧,又透彻地讲述了图片处理技术的手册。它试图帮助您,进一步地理解作为媒体交流手段的摄影技术。这本《数码摄影师手册》及时地反映了近期的技术发展状况。通过翻译成各种语言,本书帮助了许多在图像处理、技术和各种创造性实践中的人们。

Get snap happy with the new edition of this comprehensive and motivating guide to digital photography from guru Tom Ang. In this work, learn everything you need to about digital photography from Tom Ang. His inspirational images and jargon free tips on demystifying the technical elements of photography will help you take great shots. Plus, find out how to manipulate your pictures to perfection and pick up trouble-shooting advice to help you overcome common problems with software and output. Fully updated to include all of the latest developments in digital cameras, equipment and software, discover the capabilities and limitations of all types of camera, from compacts to top of the range dSLRs, so you pick the right camera for your needs. This work is suitable for all levels of experience from amateurs to aspiring David Baileys. You'll get great results every time.



Tom Ang is an award-winning photographer and best-selling author, and is the host of BBC TV's A Digital Picture of Britain. He has contributed to magazines such as What Digital Camera, MacUser and Creative Arts and is now a full-time photographer, writer and TV presenter. Tom lives in London.

  汤姆·安从事过多年的摄影学教学工作。曾担任过新闻媒体和多家专业杂志社的技术编辑.编辑和图片编辑,其关于传统和数字摄影方面的作品在国际范围内发行。他还曾为《What Digital Camera》《Total Digital Photography》及《MacUser》等杂志撰稿。
  汤姆·安曾因对马可·波罗从欧洲到中国、横穿中亚的历险游记中的旅行线路所做的摄影报导而荣获Thomas Cook Travel Book奖。他撰写过许多摄影方面的书籍,包括同样由DK出版的《KISSGuide to Digital Photograpty》《Digital Photography:An Introduction》等。