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  • jd_186838lrb
  • 2022-06-21 14:51
  • 28
摘要:本文由京东宝宝用户@小树妈妈原创 不管是中文、英文的绘本启蒙,必看作者Eric carle的绘本,很多人亲切的称呼他为“卡爷爷”。很多经典绘本出自他的手《好饿的


不管是中文、英文的绘本启蒙,必看作者Eric carle的绘本,很多人亲切的称呼他为“卡爷爷”。很多经典绘本出自他的手《好饿的毛毛虫》(《the hungry caterpillar》)、《棕色的熊,棕色的熊,你在看什么》(《brow bear , brow bear, what do you see?》)、《从头动到脚》(《from head to toe》)


《Do you want to be my friend》是卡尔爷爷的经典无字书,一本关于友谊的故事,讲述了一只孤单的小老鼠找动物做朋友的体验。小老鼠不断地询问各种动物“do you want to be my friend”,被马、鳄鱼、狮子、河马、猴子、孔雀、袋鼠、长颈鹿等动物一一拒绝”No”后,小老鼠终于遇到了和它一样的老鼠,“Yes”,两只老鼠开心的回到了鼠洞里,从此过上了幸福的生活。

Do You Want to Be My Friend?想成为我的朋友吗 英文原版





这本绘本语言简单,最适宜启蒙阶段,语句重复,朗朗上口,读几遍,小宝宝可以理解do you want to be my friend的意思,大点的宝宝可以说出来,非常有成就感啊!如果觉得太过简单,可以加入对动物名称、特点的描述。

这本绘本,可以和宝贝模拟角色扮演,摆上一圈动物玩偶,挨个询问一下;或者随便问问手边的事物“hi crane/bus,do you want to be my friend?”……



1 找度娘,相信好东西都有前辈分享哦

2 自己做功课

A .书中出现的动物名称(horse、crocodile)、动物特点(giraffe is very tall )、动物喜好(Brown horse like to eat grass)

B .语言的描述、运用可以参考已看的绘本《Dear Zoo》、《from head to toe》、《brow bear brow bear,what do you see》等书,在已有磨耳朵词汇的基础上阅读,能更好的帮助孩子理解。

C .搜集各种动物的叫声,在阅读时模仿演示或者播放,会增加孩子的兴趣

封面:you can see a big elephant and a little mouse, what happened? the little mouse asked the elephant “do you want to be my friend?”


A little mouse,he was lonely.

he wanted someone to play with,he wanted a friend.

he ran out to look for a friend.


the little mouse saw a tail, whose tail? guessed what animal?

oh, the tail belonged to a horse, a brown horse

the little mouse asked “do you want to be my friend? ”(每遇到一个动物重复问)

the brown horse was busy eating the grass,he said ”no”

little mouse said to himself “never mind”.(耸肩,摊开双手,never mind 这句非常重要,每被一个动物拒绝后重复说)

then he ran on and saw a long green tail, thought “maybe he will be my friend?”(或许他会成为我的朋友,每遇到一个新动物重复说)


oh,the tail belonged to a crocodile/alligator, he was unfriendly and scary.

the little mouse asked in a low voice “do you want to be my friend? ”,

“No” says the crocodile with the bird on her back.

little mouse says to himself “never mind”.(耸肩,摊开双手)

then he runs on and see a gold tail, thought “maybe he will be my friend?”


鳄鱼是凶残的,但是牙签鸟却敢于从鳄鱼口中取食。 牙签鸟因为同鳄鱼的亲密关系,又被称为鳄鱼鸟。凶猛的鳄鱼当饱餐一顿后,就会在河边闭目养神,或爬到沙滩上沐浴阳光。这时,常常有许多牙签鸟在它背上飞来飞去,好像在跟鳄鱼亲切交谈。当鳄鱼酣酣入睡时, 牙签鸟却毫不客气地拍打着翅膀,将它从甜梦中醒,鳄鱼便百依百顺地张开大嘴,让牙签鸟飞到口腔里,去啄食它牙缝中残食剩饭。牙签鸟迅速地把嵌在鳄鱼牙齿缝间的鱼、蚌、蛙、田螺等肉屑一一啄取吞进腹内。


Lion的特点:a golden lion金色的狮子, fierce凶猛

hippo的特点 blue hippo, a big mouth, lived in water and liked to eat grass.


seal的特点:lived in water, had whiskers on his face.

monkey 的特点:naughty, liked banana,walked on his hands

peacock的特点:beautiful tail, too arrogant太高傲了,

fox的特点: red fox, he was too sly

kangaroo的特点: baby kangaroo in her pouch

giraffe的特点:very tall,has he long, long neck

mouse的特点: looked like each other

答案揭密:环衬上的绿色、每一页底部的绿色是什么呢?the long green tail was curled ,aaa, a scary boa.

And the two mouse ran off to a big tree and just in time.

