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Hush, Hush 英文原版简介,目录书摘

  • 京东
  • 2020-11-01 15:55
  • 23
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Hush, Hush 英文原版
内容简介:A sacred oath, a fallen angel, a forbidden love...This darkly romantic story features our heroine, Nora Grey, a seemingly normal teenage girl with her own shadowy connection to the Nephilim, and super-alluring bad boy, Patch, now her deskmate in biology class. Together they find themselves at the centre of a centuries-old feud between a fallen angel and a Nephilim...Forced to sit next to Patch in science class, Nora attempts to resist his flirting, though gradually falls for him against her better judgment. Meanwhile creepy things are going on with a mysterious stalker following her car, breaking into her house and attacking her best friend, Vi. Nora suspects Patch, but there are other suspects too - not least a new boy who has transferred from a different college after being wrongly accused of murdering his girlfriend. And he seems to have taken a shine to Nora...Love certainly is dangerous...and someone is going to have to make the ultimate sacrifice for it.
作者简介:Becca Fitzpatrick (born February 3, 1979) is an American author, best-known for having written the New York Times bestseller, Hush, Hush.

Raised in Centerville, Utah, she graduated in April 2001 from Brigham Young University with a degree in Community Health, and went to work as a secretary, teacher, and accountant at an alternative high school in Provo.

In February 2003, her husband Justin, a native of Philadelphia enrolled her in a writing class for her 24th birthday. Fitzpatrick has stated, "On that day, I went from the girl who wrote stories daily in the privacy of her journal, to the girl who wrote stories and shared them with people outside of the worlds in her head. It was also in that class that I started writing Hush, Hush."