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  • 京东
  • 2020-11-01 15:51
  • 31
编辑推荐:  如此灿烂的中医药学,其来龙去脉是什么?中医是怎样认识人体的?其主要理论思维如何?采用药物、针灸治病的方法包括哪些内容?本书将以简朴的语言娓娓道来,带领读者一起走进中医领域的深奥大门。
  What are the causes and effects of the brilliant TCM? How does TCM recognize the human body? What about the major theories and thinking? What are the details of herbal treatments and acupuncture and moxibustion therapies? This book will usher readers into profound TCM with simple words.
内容简介:  中医药学在中华民族在长期生活和生产实践中形成的宝贵财富。它以解除人类的疾病痛苦为目的,以人与自然的和谐相处为基本思路,在吸收中国古代哲学理念的基础上,构建了自己的理论框架,形成了独特的诊疗方式。
  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a great and valuable treasure built by the Chinese nation through long-term production and practice. Aiming to cure diseases and suffering, TCM focuses on the harmony between people and nature, forges its theoretical framework and forms unique diagnosis and treatment methodologies based on ancient philosophical concepts.
作者简介:   梁永宣,北京中医药大学教授、博导,中华医学会医史学分会主任委员。


  三人自2008年起共同创作多部作品,如《青少年中医药文化知识普及读本》、《中医启蒙三字经》、《中医健康养生谣》等 ,还在北京市部分中小学开展了中医药知识进校园授课活动,有较为丰富的中医科普写作经验。

   Liang Yongxuan, professor and doctoral advisor at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, director-member of Chinese Society of Medical History of Chinese Medical Association

   Zhao Xin, associate professor at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, First-prize Winner at BUCM First Young Teacher Lecture Contest, and lecturer for the public video classes of Chinese universities.

   Zhen Xueyan, associate professor at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, deputy director-member of the Youth Committee of Chinese Society of Medical History of Chinese Medical Association. Since 2008, Liang, Zhao and Zhen have jointly created many works, such as TCM Popularization Book for Adolescence, Three Character Classic for Enlightening TCM, Ballads for TCM Regimen, and lectured TCM in campuses of high and primary schools in Beijing. They are experienced writers in TCM popularization books.